Archived blog post

Breathtaking Rudeness

Posted by Ben on Thursday, December 29, 2005 | Permalink

Before anyone says anything - no, I'm not saying all Christians, or all religious people, are like this. Hell, it was the Church Times that wrote the original article. I just thought it was quite amusing, and a handy reminder that 'religious' is not a synonym for 'moral'.

Letters expose 'breathtaking' rudeness of church life.

Such as?

'A wheelchair user was advised to go home instead of attending a service'
'a vicar was told by a church warden that new families attending a service "weren't really our type"'
'a visiting vicar told bereaved relatives he had drawn the short straw in being asked to conduct a funeral service'
'a disabled woman was manhandled by a sidesman because she could not get up for the national anthem'
'[a] bishop who told a curate looking for a parish: "You have to ask yourself who would want you at your age?"'

Finally, and surely taking the sanctified biscuit:

'a vicar's wife who said to a woman who had just lost her new-born child: "Maddening, isn't it?"'

No, misplacing your car keys is maddening, you buffoon.

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